一、JNI编译错误信息 compilation error message
在编译JNI时,会出现“armeabi / mips64 / mips会在将来的NDK版本中去掉”的错误提示,这些提示不影响编译结果,但每次弹出来也很不爽-_- !!
Android Studio compile the JNI will show error message as “armeabi / mips64 / mips will be removed in a future NDK release” , these tips do not affect the compilation results, but also very uncomfortable pop-up each time -_- !!
D:\Android\sdk\ndk-bundle\build\core\setup-app.mk Error:(81) Android NDK: Application targets deprecated ABI(s): armeabi Error:(82) Android NDK: Support for these ABIs will be removed in a future NDK release. Error:(82) Android NDK: Support for these ABIs will be removed in a future NDK release. Error:(81) Android NDK: Application targets deprecated ABI(s): mips64 Error:(82) Android NDK: Support for these ABIs will be removed in a future NDK release. Error:(81) Android NDK: Application targets deprecated ABI(s): mips
二、解决方法 Solving method
Method 1: Open the android.mk in the JNI directory, and add the following:
# 仅编译时支持以下架构(去掉armeabi、mips64、mips) APP_ABI := arm64-v8a armeabi-v7a x86 x86_64
Method 2: Annotate ndk-bundle\build\core\setup-app.mk following prompt:
# $(call __ndk_warning,Application targets deprecated ABI(s): $(_deprecated_abis)) # $(call __ndk_warning,Support for these ABIs will be removed in a future NDK release.)
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